Welcome to the InfraGard Kentucky Members Alliance
Building a Trust Relationship between those individuals who are involved in protecting our nation’s Critical Infrastructures, and the FBI and other government partners.

About InfraGard
InfraGard is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and members of the private sector for the protection of U.S. Critical Infrastructure. Through seamless collaboration, InfraGard connects owners and operators within critical infrastructure to the FBI, to provide education, information sharing, networking, and workshops on emerging technologies and threats. InfraGard’s membership includes: business executives, entrepreneurs, lawyers, security personnel, military and government officials, IT professionals, academia and state and local law enforcement—all dedicated to contributing industry-specific insight and advancing national security. Learn about InfraGard and the important role it is playing across the nation by downloading this brochure.
About IKMA
InfraGard Kentucky Members Alliance is a diverse group of professionals from the state of Kentucky who have devoted their careers to the security of the Nation in both the public and private sector.
We strive to meet as a chapter on a quarterly basis to share information generally not publicly available. Presentations from both the government and private sectors provide vital information necessary to complete the mission of our organization, which includes being a valued partner of the FBI and the Louisville Field Office.
Meetings are held at various locations throughout Louisville and other areas of the state.
Sector specific meetings hone in on information specific to each sector and cross-sector partners.
News and Events
Learn more about the upcoming activities with InfraGard nationally and the IKMA by visiting the News and Events section below.
The IKMA chapter partners with similar organizations to provide robust meetings and events throughout the state.
IKMA will utilize our Go-To Meeting for chapter and sector meetings that do not involve sensitive information. Contact the Meeting Coordinator on the Contact Us page for more information.
Learn about our sponsors who are supporting our efforts to keep our state and nation safe by visiting our Sponsor Recognition Page (coming soon). Support our sponsors by visiting their websites and through your patronage.
Support IKMA through the purchase of IKMA branded challenge coins. The IKMA Shop Page (coming soon) has product and ordering information.
Contact Us
Our campaign has come a long way, but there is still a lot of road ahead. Click the Contact Us to find out how you can contribute to the mission.
Our Mission & Vision
The Kentucky InfraGard Members Alliance is a community of individuals and organizations dedicated to protecting the critical infrastructure and key resources of Kentucky. Our alliance brings together private sector owners and operators, law enforcement agencies, and government partners to share knowledge, expertise, and resources to defend against physical and cyber threats.
Our members come from a diverse range of industries and sectors, including energy, transportation, healthcare, finance, and telecommunications. By sharing information and best practices, we work to identify potential vulnerabilities and proactively address security risks to ensure the resilience of Kentucky’s infrastructure.
We strive to foster a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous learning. Our members have access to a wide range of resources, including training, education, and networking opportunities. Through our partnerships and information sharing, we aim to stay ahead of emerging threats and keep Kentucky’s critical infrastructure safe and secure.
News and Events..
Contact Us
119 Evergreen Rd #218
Louisville, KY, 40243